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recovery on the inside

ROI is housed within the Watauga Detention Center and works with those who are incarcerated and interested in taking steps toward recovery.

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By working alongside, staff help identify personal goals, navigate treatment and referral systems and work with stakeholders to develop workable next steps.

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Linkage to care at release

Staff help develop reentry plans where support can continue after release. Transportation is also available.

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Pre Trial Diversion

Recovery on the Inside provides pre-trial diversion for eligible offenses in collaboration with community supervision, attorneys and treatment providers.  

reach out

To learn more about Recovery on the Inside reach out to ROI Case Manager, Pam Greer at 828-406-9876 or by emailing

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The Recovery on the Inside Program began in 2018 when the Watauga County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) undertook a research project to determine the biggest causes of recidivism in Watauga County and to determine what they could do as law enforcement to connect their incarcerated population to the resources needed in order to be successful and to stay out of jail.


WCSO determined that the biggest commonalities among those who cycled through incarceration were:

  • Substance use

  • Childhood traumatic events and adversity

  • Unstable housing

  • Mental health needs 

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